I haven't posted in a long time. So I'm sitting here in my sister's room at Women's college and I'm thinking of something to do because my parents wont be here for at least another 50 minutes. I ran out of youtubing, facebooking and emailing so I decided to hit you all up with a blog.
Year 11 started a few weeks ago, and so far its been pretty up and down. Now, I'm in a bit of a down patch because most of my friends are at SCG camp and I'm back in Sydney, school is a cow and won't let me stay sane. Its almost as if it's the school's mission, whilst in conjunction with helping me to learn, to make me miserable. And to be quite frank the last few weeks of school have been less than desirable. I wanted to go to SCG camp so bad, but my mother said as long as my team has a shot at semi-finals I'm not going. Which is stupid because I'm a leader, I have an impact on these kids and right now it's being shot to hell because my mother doesn't want a repeat of the last time this happened. (not a whole lot happened, just Ro and I were waiting at school for 2 hours. I fell asleep...on a bus seat.)
Really the only things that I have to keep me sane, is in fact softball and music. Though the softball season only has one week left in it. But music should go on for a while, especially considering that MSO (Meriden Symphony Orchestra...long story) is going to China in less than 2 weeks. I'm really looking forward to that, Piper and I will be spending loads of quality time together and then I get to spend time with my orchestra buddies, Seray and Shrio. We're going to 10 days and where also hitting up Singapore for a few performances and some tours. Music lessons just got a little more interesting...I have a new teacher...woo?
No, Megan is awesome. It's crazy to think that once upon a time, I used to sit in awe of her playing once in a while...now I get to do it once a week for half an hour...(that was meant to be so much less stalker like than it sounded.) BUT I swear people from their year are coming back to haunt me...It's so weird, because I know that I sound like a crazy person when I say this, but they are every where. Megan is my music teacher, Bec is my softball coach, I speak to some of them, then I see them in the street and at the station. ITS FREAKING ME OUT..../hide in a corner sucking my thumb
Softball is the other medium keeping me sane (as once previously mentioned), WE'RE IN THE FINALS!!! Jackie and I think that were the 'Cinderella Team' because we went from being smashed out first 2 games to end up in the grand final. Part of that is thanks to the awesome win at Frensham (lol at frenshams failed attempt at the human pyramid) and then Loreto loosing. But yesterday we played Loreto on home turf and we won...I don't know what the score was but I do know that I got struck out again...twice (but one of their pitchers was pitching illegally). But that was partially due to me getting an automatic strike for me having to give Holly my shinnies because she didn't have any. The first innings of that game went so quick. we pitched like 6 balls and got three people out. It was insane (snaps for Emma Mochan, Bonnie and Jackie for the amazing throws and catches) then we went up to bat and it got a little weird, but we came back for another awesome fielding innings. All through the game Loreto must have gotten spooked at how good we got since we played them (it was the third round, out first game and we got smashed) because they kept trying to make us loose on technicalities. But good triumphed over evil, and Meriden secured a place in the finals once again. Team 4 also did EXTREMELY well....not that they wouldn't normally (snaps for Shimaela [excuse spellings] and Anthea for their amazing softball skills)a. They won their semi final 22-5. That is so crazy, team one normally can't get past 18 (which is two sides away.) but I think that team 4 is just the super team that if you cross then you should expect to get your butt kicked by.
I went with the family last night to Tepanyaki, and oh my goodness it was incredible.If you are ever offered to go, DO NOT PASS UP THAT OPPORTUNITY! It was amazing, this guy was so talented, and we caught most of the food...minus total of three raw eggs, two bits of fried egg and a bowl of rice. I can't really share with you the awesomeness, mostly because you have to have been there but go to Tepanyaki (although it is a tad expensive...totally worth it though) PRIS! For your 18th were hitting up Tepanyaki..../evil snicker...
I had best be off, I have to go and visit my other sister before my rents arrive to take me home so I can continue the madness and miserableness of Year 11. I think I left stuff off there but oh well.
God Bless you, and I don't know when I will be posting...probably not for a while.
xoxo Lu
Counting On Him
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)
Counting On HiM
I made this video playlist at myflashfetish.com

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hong Kong The Trip: Day Two
So after a tedious 9 hour trip over (Not including the 8 hour delay) we finally arrived at our hotel to be greeted with an empty lobby and two very competent check in clerks, and off to our room we went and ten to sleep. The beds are really comfy but I must say that I hat sharing a bed with my sister because she hogs all of the dona. Then we awoke today...I woke up some what earlier than the rest of the family I then went over to the window to watch the Hong Kong people do stuff and as entertaining as it was I still fell asleep on the chair (which is particularly ridged...).
When everyone woke up we got showered and dressed and headed down to breakfast which was AMAZING!! There was a guy there who made my egg and his name was (I'm not joking) Royal. Now for the Hong Kong people that might be normal but it was fun for me, I was going to give him a hi5 but seeing as he doesn't know me and I'm in a completely different culture he might not have accepted it as much as I would have liked him to, or he would have thought that I was really weird...(Which isn't technically false...) But the place where we had breakfast was incredible because they accounted (now correct me if I get it wrong because I might.) for the way the Asian culture like to have breakfast which consists of noodles and stuff, the way the Europeans have breakfast which normally consists of loads of fruit and cheese and the way the Westerns have breakfast which consists of cereal, eggs, toast and stuff.
Then we went back to the room and had a pit stop before hitting up Hong Kong. We spent most of the day just trying to figure out where we were going, then we caught the ferry across the body of water that I forgot the name of. We went to Timberland to get dad some shoes and bought Charlotte a memory stick for her camera. We took loads of photos that will be uploaded to Facebook when we get back to Australia. Then we came back here and bought some supplies (Milk, chips, coke and some alcohol for mum and dad) The most important of the supplies would be:
It is so awesome. It's different than the Pockey back in Australia, but not too much different... That is to say it still tastes awesome and is still just as addictive as it is back home. So, Caitlin and Flick you should be proud that I'm out here staying true to my Anglo/Asian-isms....well that made more sense in my head.
Well I have a few other things to check because the Internet has a timer on it. OH! And I won't be blogging everyday but I will still have the events from the days in a blog for you...Does that makes sense??
Ok, Well I'm off now.
God Bless.
xx Lu
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Unevent That I Call Travelling
I hate airports and areoplanes. They should die!! I have been sitting in this airport for like 5 hours because the bloody plane is having some major issue and one of the motors is out so they are trying to fix it. Which in its self isn't all that bad, I mean Iwould prefer to have all engines working and have to wait for it then not have all of them working and not have to wait. But there was a lady that was next to me that was a TRAINWRECK!! Probably because the plane was delayed and she really just wanted to get where ever she was going. It was kinda funny but then I started to feel sorry for her and offered her my uber fast computer. PS I LOVE FREE INTERNET by the way. Well I just thought I would check in and tell you of my somewhat boring and uneventful adventures. Hopefully the next blog I make will come from Hong Kong.
Love to you all.
PS. Check out the new video thing, its cool and the singers on there are really good.
God Bless
Love to you all.
PS. Check out the new video thing, its cool and the singers on there are really good.
God Bless
Hong Kong The Trip: Day One
Here I sit, on scrambled egg and a really odd nap later. The scrambled egg was really tasty and the nap was odd because I slept in a recliner that didn't recline very far (that, and I woke up with mad case of pins and needles in my right leg, that I'm still trying to shake.) At the Airport I forgot that we had to go through customs and forgot that I would beep when I went thought the metal detector for still wearing my belt...That was embarrassing mostly because I lost the button to my pants (hence the reason for the belt) and the pants are really loose around my waist sometimes so I had to hold my pants up while I walked through the metal detector a second time.
My sister chipped a LARGE part of her toenail on I don't know what, all I know is that there was a lot of blood and not a band aid insight, so when the opportunity arose she promptly went to the bathroom and cleaned her self up only to come back and complain to my mum about how much it hurt and how much blood was coming out of her toe...rather disgusting experience that I really don't want to have to go through ever again. I reminded me a little of when Rose slammed her finger in the car door of their Audi. That was UBER gross and I went all pale and faint. We found out later that she had fractured her finger and then we got to see the magical process of her fingernail growing back on to her finger and then the finger nail growing back to normal.... so here is a lesson to you all:
My sister chipped a LARGE part of her toenail on I don't know what, all I know is that there was a lot of blood and not a band aid insight, so when the opportunity arose she promptly went to the bathroom and cleaned her self up only to come back and complain to my mum about how much it hurt and how much blood was coming out of her toe...rather disgusting experience that I really don't want to have to go through ever again. I reminded me a little of when Rose slammed her finger in the car door of their Audi. That was UBER gross and I went all pale and faint. We found out later that she had fractured her finger and then we got to see the magical process of her fingernail growing back on to her finger and then the finger nail growing back to normal.... so here is a lesson to you all:
Oh, and I thought that I might fill you in on the events of last night when my brother's girlfriend came over. If you want a visual image then think Annie of the new 90210 only much much prettier. She is uber uber nice, and it seems that she was just busy working and stuff and my brother just didn't have the time to bring her around. Last night was filled with laughs as we verbally slammed by brother (with the help of his uber cool girlfriend) for not having a proper/healthy breakfast and then we talked about how I had gone overseas more than he had. (Only by one and I haven't even gone on it yet.) We were well prepared when it came to the verigarian foods, unlike last time... And she really enjoyed it (well if she didn't she was really good at acting like she did.)
I'm still waiting for the plane to let us board so when I get around to it I'll blog about the events. Hope you are all enjoying time with family and stuff.
God Bless
xx Lu
Pris I have some news for you. After you left for your trip with the Martin Clan, you left your brother in an emotional wreck (Aaron if you're reading this I mean that in the most unoffensive/unhurtful way). But there was a short period where I hadn't left for Hong Kong and I decided to talk to him and see if everything was ok (He was starting to worry me, some of those msn usernames were outright creepy!). So after talking to him for a few days and hearing that he was going to text me but didn't have my number I've decided to adopt him as my younger brother. I always wanted a younger brother and now I have one!!
THANKS PRISCILLA!! He's still living with you though.
...TOoOoOoOoOo HyPeR fOr WoRdS!!!
THANKS PRISCILLA!! He's still living with you though.
...TOoOoOoOoOo HyPeR fOr WoRdS!!!
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