Fighting is a madatory thing for humans is it not? I've begun to notice that everyone in my family is fighting. Like my parents are fighting (Lets no go there right now, maybe when I'm not in such a good mood), my sister and her best friend (which doesnt leave much hope for the rest of us btw, those two are like the same people only in two bodies, I have a feeling that in a previous life they were the same person.)
She came home today after singers, and she was crying. An while my sister and I are usually at each others throat, but I feel sorry for her, her friend...lets call her....Greta (<-not her real name) and her are fighting apparently. But I just feel so bad, because I know if I say something then I'm going to be yelled at and then resented for the rest of my life.
Another thing has been happened, I realised the effect a family can have on a person. Like on the train, there is a girl. She is a really lovely girl, and she was going to BEE (a group set up by school for the younger christians). She seemed interested in that, and so I was talking to her about that and her sister said something that isn't going to be repeated. And now she doesn go to BEE or anything and she refuses to talk about faith. I want to tell the sister that she can't be making decisions like that for her sister but I know that if I try to talk to her about it then its going to cause major train problems and then I'll end up alone catching the train. Now that isn't bad its just the train can get so unsafe and even if I end up leaving or seperating myself from the train I dont want to end it with a fight. I just want her to be able to make her own decisions.
I dont want said sister to grow up being resented by the other sister, I want them to grow up happily and such but I dont want them to miss out on God! That would be the worst news ever. I do really want her to be apart of a bible study, because it means that I would get to lead her and that would be one of the coolest things to happen at school.
Man, this is hard. Im talking to a friend about it, and I realised how much I missed talking to her like this, its so weird how we just drifted but at the same time its so cool that were brought back together in Christ. I love it when that happens! Best parts of my day! I love this! GAHH ITS SO AWESOME! Must pray for Tilly btw! That God has her had over her life, cus atm she's kinda searching and I want her to make the right decision so...PRAY PRAY PRAY!!
I was talking to my music teacher and a friend (don't worry at different times) and we were talking about the possibility of joining on of the SYO orchestras, I was nudged by a very influential person and then now I might be auditioning at the end of the school semester. (This is probably an example of how easily pursuaded I am. Or how much I follow people...take your pick). Playing the violin is the best thing ever, all strings are just such adaptable instruments. Like when have you ever heard a brass or wind instrument in a pop or rock song? and then how many times have you heard strings with pop and rock songs? (I can name a few, Superchick, The veronicas, skillet, red, delain, epica, the vereve, amy name a few)
Love to you all, God Bless
Lu xx
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)
Counting On HiM

Monday, June 2, 2008
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