I feel tripped out. Not like I'm on a high like a hippie who smokes to much dope (funny story about that though) Like looking into the future is really weirding my out after this locker rearrangement.
Yesterday we moved lockers to a different locker room, and in great Meriden tradition, it was one of the most unorganized things I have ever participated in. It was a real shocker! First we moved in to the Cave (or Burrow) that we're meant to place our books next year only to realise that it was SO SMALL(Hence the term the cave or burrow). Although there is a fantastic upside. I get a top locker. For all of those that don't know what I'm talking about, at Meriden we have lockers that are like full length ones only they are split in half. And before yesterdays momentous occasion I was stuck underneath someone. First it was Lucinda in year 7-8, then in yr 9-10 it was Sarah W. I must say that I much prefer Sarah, because not only was she very obliging, but she also barely ever dropped anything on my head. Unlike my dear friend Lucinda who managed to drop her clarinet (When she played it) on my head more than once. So, now were in these new lockers and they just don't work. When the lights aren't on (Which this morning was very annoying) I can barely see the numbers on my lock to open the lock to get in to the locker, to make matters worse I had a tonne of stuff and wasn't in a particularly good mood.
Funny Story!
He he, the funny story is that last night at around 6:45 my parents got home from their wild adventure (Well as far as I know it wasn't too wild) in Hawaii. Then some how after about an hour and a bit, my brother woke up to get ready for work (He has the graveyard shift at Channel Ten and some manager or something) And he does the normal thing, get up have breakfast/dinner and then go have a shower and stuff. But in the middle of his routine (somewhere between getting up and having breakfast/dinner) My dad goes into his room, and just starts yelling at him. All I heard were the words 'If you ever smoke Pot whilst you are under this roof again, you will be out so fast it will make your head spin!' Then totally intrigued and rather hungry I walked in to the kitchen. Then on the counter what do I see? A BONG AND A LIGHTER!!! Thankfully there was none of the 'Devil's Lettuce' or 'Wacky Tobaccy' (If you know what I mean) in the bag but it was funny none the less. So I asked mum this morning what dad was yelling about, and mother said 'your father caught you brother smoking some other stuff.' Then there is me trying to be silly and totally composed at the same time (not as easy as it looks people) I said, 'So you mean he was smoking some wacky tobaccy? Devil's Lettuce maybe?' Then mum looked at me and sighed and said 'Yes Lulu. That stuff.' It was a funny morning...I was successful to be silly on such an early morning.
Well I best be off because I want Pris to read the story because it is funny and almost the end of class.
God Bless
xx Lu
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)
Counting On HiM
I made this video playlist at myflashfetish.com

Thursday, December 4, 2008
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Lu, I seriously have spent the last 5 minutes laughing my head off!
Kristina's mum just poked her head around the door, and I think she thinks I'm ritarded, or something...
lol jen, it was funny when i heard it. It was really hard to contain myself.
PS what is with the grease situation?
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