Did any of you notice the new diggs? Ok so its not a 'dig' really, just a new layout and background. But surprisingly enough I did this all on my own. Which is insane because I hate coding, can't use coding and don't understand coding. But I am here now to bring to you the highlights and the challenges of yesterday.
The fair was yesterday and oh it was awesome. I invited Priscilla to come but she turned me down (/cut) for study. But it was awesome without her anyway. I met up with the Trian...I forget how to spell their last name but they live in Glenbrook, and we met up with the Freeburns which then changed to the Freeburn children (Rose and Tilly). We walked around for a while and then I got a snow cone and it was awesome because (unlike at carnivale) the dude in the car thingo didn't rip me off when it came to syrup. It was very very tasty, then Mary T and I walked around and we saw this dance group doing some 'suggestive' (to say the least) dancing in front of little kids and I felt bad for the kids whose parents hadn't realised how it may have scared them later in life. I bought two really cool rings, one is black and silver and the other one is just plain silver with a chinese character on it (only I have no clue what it says). All in all the day was pretty cool, but I should have worn shorts and not baggy jeans. Baggy jeans seem to conseal the heat which makes it more annoying.
I have know idea why the work study is in bolded capitals. Because if study were a person I would want to kill it, but its one of those love/hate relationship (sometimes more hate than love) You hate it because it can be so boring and then you love it because ultimately its going to make you much better off then you would be had you not studied. I'm actually on a study break right now, from science. School Cert. study to be precise because we already had yearlies in the middle of last term. But yeah, I did 9 pages (and counting) of Science notes. I also refuse to study for english because in a state wide exam you can't really prepare for english, you just have to hope for the best and pray that you don't cramp up in the middle of your extended responses.
You may be wondering why I want to talk about old people but, I love old people. Especially my old person (...?) I'm talking about my grandmother. She is so cute and funny, she makes jokes about my brother with his beard saying that he looks like a Muslim (NO OFFENCE INTENDED) and when we sit at the base of the table and we don't understand what they are talking about she just looks at me, shrugs her shoulders and sighs in confusion. She is also the bomb at cooking, she makes everything. On many an occasion she has made ANZAC cookies for me to take to camp and I remember one particular time at music camp when I took the box out, and took one cookie out. I went to a rehersal for Intermediate Strings, came back and there were 3 left. 3!Does that say something to you about the hunger of my group or does it say how wicked mad her cooking skills are?!
Well, study break is over and I had better get back to the Hubble or something might murder me in my sleep...which wouldn't technically be a bad thing because it means that I wouldn't have to sit the SC and that my whole grade might get special consideration (when marking) because I died! Well...you can't blame me for trying....
Best be off...
God Bless
xx Lu
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)
Counting On HiM
I made this video playlist at myflashfetish.com

Friday, November 7, 2008
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sorry i couldn't come. it was a pretty hectic day for me too. >_>
that said, it's good it was fun!
Lulu, your fair was being compared to a meeting with B, WHAT did u expect???
ease up pris. and you know the reason the because anonymous was because they know what you are capable of doing. and good on you who ever you are...that was a brave brave step.
lol, nice one Daisy
oh shit.
Caitlin you are my new hero - you shall be upgraded from head ninja to personal advisor when I take over the world.
I like the new layout by the way lulu! its very swish
okay okay...yes that comment was made by me.... DAMN U CAITLIN!!! it was going so well....
and i LOVE your new layout and colours
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